INNOPOLIS Foundation Launches IR Road Trip to Boost Regional Investment
- Writer Manager
- Date 2024-04-25
- Views 96
-Formation of VC Investment Support Team with Metropolitan and Regional VCs to Promote Investment in Promising Regional Companies-
□ The INNOPOLIS Foundation (Chairman: Byeong-Sam Kang, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Foundation’) has launched the "Regional Growth Engine VC Investment Support Team" to promote investment in promising regional companies and invigorate the ecosystem. This team will conduct an "IR Road Trip" to visit various regions.
※ VC Investment Support Team: Comprised of 16 members, including Innopolis Fund managers, metropolitan VCs, and regional VCs.
○ This initiative comes in response to the concentration of new venture investments in the metropolitan area, making it difficult for regional startups to secure investment and grow. The purpose of the IR Road Trip is to establish a continuous network between metropolitan investors and promising companies in the Innopolis, creating a model where companies, investors, the Foundation, and local governments work together to overcome challenges.
○ The IR Road Trip will kick off on April 25th (Thursday) in the Gyeongnam region and will be followed by events in Daejeon, Gwangju-Jeonnam, Daegu-Gyeongbuk, Busan, Jeonbuk, and Gangwon.
□ IThe first IR Road Trip event will take place over two days from April 25th (Thursday) to 26th (Friday) at the Dongbang Hotel in Jinju, Gyeongnam. A total of nine promising companies from the Gyeongnam Small Innopolis (Gimhae, Jinju, Changwon) will be selected* to present their investment IRs and receive in-depth mentoring through a "Meet-up with the VC Investment Support Team."
* Three companies from each region (Gimhae, Jinju, Changwon) will be selected, focusing on fields such as artificial intelligence, secondary batteries, bio-healthcare, and advanced materials.
○ Additionally, to enhance the VC Investment Support Team's understanding of regional companies and improve perceptions of the regional investment environment, the event will include collaborations with local governments such as Gyeongsangnam-do and Jinju City. This will provide opportunities to introduce the region's culture, business support infrastructure, and to visit local facilities such as the K-Entrepreneurship Center located in Jinju.
□ Chairman Byeong-Sam Kang of the INNOPOLIS Foundation emphasized, "Many regional companies are facing difficulties in securing funding due to external factors such as economic downturns and interest rate hikes." He added, "The IR Road Trip conducted by the VC Investment Support Team across the Research and Development Innopolis is intended to serve as a bridge between regional companies and investors. We plan to support the expansion of investment opportunities and benefits for many regional companies."
Attachment 1. Event Photos
Attachment 2. Plan for the 1st Gyeongnam Region Small Innopolis VC Investment Support Team IR Road Trip
Reference 1 |
| IR Road Trip 1st Event Photos |
(Photo 1) Participants are taking a group photo. (Front row, from left) Kyung-Min Kim, Director of U-MED Co., Ltd.; Hang-Hee Jo, CEO of EcoBios Co., Ltd.; Seong-Il Kim, Director from Jinju City; Eun-Il Park, Director of the INNOPOLIS Foundation; Mi-Ri Kim, Team Leader; Yong-Ho Moon, Director of the Gyeongnam Jinju Small Innopolis Support Center; and Jae-Hyuk Jang, Head of Department. |
(Photo 2) Myung-Chan Park, CEO of U-MED Co., Ltd., a promising company based in the Gimhae Small Innopolis, is delivering an IR pitch. |
Reference 2 |
| 1st Gyeongnam Region Small Innopolis VC Investment Support Team IR Road Trip Plan |
□ Overview
ㅇ (Purpose) To establish a continuous network between metropolitan VCs and promising Innopolis companies and to revitalize the technology finance ecosystem within the Innopolis by launching the VC Investment Support Team.
ㅇ (Date/Location) ‘24.4.25(Thu) ~ 26(Fri) / Dongbang Hotel, Jinju
ㅇ (Participants) Approximately 40 attendees, including 16 members of the VC Investment Support Team, 9 IR companies, representatives from Small Innopolis local governments, and key technology institutions.
□ Main Content
ㅇ (Main Content) Establish a continuous network and sustained interest for companies seeking investment by providing IR and investment mentoring support.
- Participation of companies requiring initial/follow-up investments in deep tech fields from Gimhae Small Innopolis (3 companies), Jinju Small Innopolis (3 companies), and Changwon Small Innopolis (3 companies).
- In-depth mentoring and networking with the VC Investment Support Team, focusing on investment challenges following the IR sessions.
* Collaboration with local governments such as Gyeongnam Province (Jinju City) to connect with the region's culture and experiences.
□ Event Schedule
Schedule | Details | |
4/25 | 15:00~18:00 | ㆍIntroduction of Innopolis Fund Operations |
ㆍIR Presentations by 5 Companies and Group In-depth Mentoring | ||
4/26 | 10:00~15:00 | ㆍIR Presentations by 4 Companies and Group In-depth Mentoring |
ㆍIntroduction and Promotion of Gyeongnam Region, Visit to K-Entrepreneurship Center, etc. (Linked with Gyeongnam Province and Jinju City's Regional Culture) |
* Schedule subject to change based on circumstances.