The innopolis Foundation Facilitates Investment Linkage Between Metropolitan VCs/CVCs and Regional Companies
- Writer Manager
- Date 2024-07-21
- Views 100
- Hosted the 3rd innopolis VC Investment Support Group IR Road Trip -
□ The innopolis Foundation (Chairman Hee-Kwon Jung, hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation") announced that on Tuesday, July 30, it hosted the third IR Road Trip with the "Regional Growth Engine VC Investment Support Group" at the Daegu innopolis (hereinafter referred to as "Daegu innopolis").
※ VC Investment Support Group: Composed of 13 members including innopolis fund managers, metropolitan VC/CVCs, and regional AC/CVCs.
○ Earlier, in April, the Foundation launched the "Regional Growth Engine VC Investment Support Group" to establish a continuous network between metropolitan investors and promising innopolis companies. The Investment Support Group has conducted "IR Road Trips" in Gyeongnam and Daedeok, visiting each region.
□ The third IR Road Trip was held at the Daegu Samsung Creative Campus, where six promising companies from Daegu innopolis, specializing in fields such as robotics and future mobility, conducted investment IR sessions. The VC Investment Support Group, composed of metropolitan VC/CVCs, provided in-depth mentoring on investment strategies through consultations.
○ In particular, this IR Road Trip focused on product demonstrations at the companies' sites, providing regional companies with the opportunity to directly showcase their technological capabilities to metropolitan VC/CVCs.
□ Hee-Kwon Jung, Chairman of the innopolis Foundation, stated, "Expanding contact points between regional promising startups and metropolitan investors is crucial to address the concentration of the domestic investment market in metropolitan areas." He added, "Through the IR Road Trips with the VC Investment Support Group, we hope to create opportunities for promising companies within the innopolis to build networks with metropolitan VC/CVCs and attract investments."
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| Photos from the 3rd VC Investment Support Group IR Road Trip |
(Photo 1) The participating companies and the VC Investment Support Group of the 3rd IR Road Trip are taking a commemorative photo. |
(Photo 2) I'm System Co., Ltd., a participating company of the 3rd VC Investment Support Group IR Road Trip, is demonstrating their product in front of the VC Investment Support Group. |
(Photo 3) Silico Farm Co., Ltd., a participating company of the 3rd VC Investment Support Group IR Road Trip, is presenting their IR in front of the VC Investment Support Group. |